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This course will explore the logging tools response to different lithologies. It will help participants understand log readings, applications, and limitations. It will teach them the basic concepts of petrophysics as well as the techniques and procedures of log interpretation.
- Basic petrophysical properties
- Basic Log Types
- Open hole logging tools and measurements
- Quick look Log Interpretation
DESIGNED FOR: Junior Petro physicists, Geophysicists, geologists and all technical staff interested in petrophysics
This course will explore the logging tools response to the properties of rocks and fluid content as well as the main applications and limitations of most of the existing open-hole logging technologies. The course also covers the advanced log interpretation techniques which will be explained using examples and exercises.
- Conductivity and nuclear logging tools
- Acoustic and geological logging tools
- Advanced logging tools and an introduction to training evaluation
- Saturation/Height Analysis
- Advanced Log Interpretation Techniques
DESIGNED FOR: Petro physicists
This course provides a deep understanding of the methods used to measure reservoir petrophysical properties from cores, logs and well tests data and, ultimately, correlate and integrate results for reservoir characterization and modeling. This training is also available as a 3-day course, designed for junior petrophysicists and technical staff interested in knowing more about the petrophysical properties
- Reservoir Properties from Conventional & Special Core Analysis
- Reservoir Properties from Log Evaluation
- Rock-Typing
- Pressure and Well Testing
- Data Integration for Reservoir Modeling
- Summary, Synthesis & Wrap-Up
Designed For: Petrophysicists, Geophysicists, geologists and all technical staff interested in petrophysics
This course provides a comprehensive and practical understanding of methods, procedures and issues related to laboratory conventional analysis for describing and evaluating reservoir rock properties, and all considerations that should be considered for petrophysical and reservoir simulation models. This training is also available as a 3-day foundation course, to technical staff who want to get an overview of the core analysis.
- Best Practice in Coring & Core Analysis .
- Conventional Core Analysis.
- Quality Control of Available Data.
- Design Of RCA Program.
- Summary, Synthesis & Wrap-Up.
Designed For: Petro physicists, Geophysicists, geologists and all technical staff interested in core analysis studies.
This course provides a comprehensive and practical understanding of methods, procedures and issues related to evaluation of special rock properties such as relative permeability and capillary pressure at laboratory and all considerations before their application in reservoir simulation.
- Introduction
- Wettability and Wettability tests
- Electrical properties
- Capillary pressure
- Relative permeability
- Geomechanics tests
- Design Of SCAL Program
Designed For: Petrophysicists, Geophysicists, geologists and petroleum engineers
This course provides participants with an integrated approach to facies analysis and rock-typing combining logs, core description, and laboratory petrophysical data.
- Overview On Electro facies Analysis & Rock-Typing
- Non-Supervised Analysis
- Supervised Analysis
- Rock-Types Determination
- Summary, Synthesis & Wrap-Up
Designed For: Junior Petro physicists, Geophysicists, geologists and petroleum engineers
This course develops an integrated approach to rock-type determination combining raw logs, interpreted logs from petrophysical evaluation, core description, and laboratory petrophysical data (routine core analysis and special core analysis). It details the quality control and processing which are necessary before the integration of such data. Interpretation techniques allowing a consistent integration of these different sources of data are developed based on probabilistic classification schemes. Various means to ensure the consistency between lithofacies and petrophysical rock-types incorporating SCAL data are discussed. Alternative approaches for rock-type determination based on specific porosity/permeability models are also presented. Eventually it is shown how the full rock-typing scheme is validated through the modeling of initial water saturation.
- General Workflow For Rock-Typing
- Electro facies Analysis
- Porosity-Permeability Modeling
- SCAL Data Integration
- Water Saturation Modeling
- SCAL Data Integration
- Water Saturation Modeling
- Summary, Synthesis & Wrap-Up
Designed For: Petro physicists
This training course aims to ensure the understanding of geomechanics related phenomena that affect reservoir exploitation management and safety such as compaction/subsidence, reservoir cover layer fracturing, fault activation, and to be aware of the techniques used in the petroleum industry to mitigate these phenomena.
- Introduction To Geomechanics In The Petroleum Industry
- Theoretical Bases Useful for Reservoir Applications
- Impact Of Geomechanics On Reservoir Safety & Management
- Application
- Summary, Synthesis & Wrap-Up
Designed For: Petro physicists, geophysicists, geologists and petroleum engineers .
This course provides participants with an understanding of current borehole imaging tools and modern interpretation techniques. This training is also available as a 3-day foundation course
- Introduction To Borehole Imaging Log
- Borehole Image Tools & Quality Control
- Borehole Image Interpretation: Case Study
- Summary, Synthesis & Wrap-Up
Designed For: Petro physicists, geologists and petroleum engineers
This course provides knowledge and understanding of the petrophysical aspects of tight reservoirs. This course can be delivered as a 3-day course for foundation level.
- Tight Reservoirs
- Tight Reservoir Challenges
- Formation evaluation and characterization
- Tight Reservoir Petrophysics Workshop
- Summary, Synthesis & Wrap-Up
Designed For: Summary, Synthesis & Wrap-Up
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