Oil and Gas Resources and Reserves Evaluation

Oil and Gas Resources and Reserves Evaluation


This course will present the various reserve estimating methodologies, elaborate the difference between resources and reserves. It will also explain the classifications and definitions of these reserves and resources, along with a guideline for the application of these definitions. PRMS, SPE, WPC, AAPG, SEC, and other guidelines will be discussed.


  • Classifications and definitions of reserves and resources.
  • Deterministic and probabilistic definitions. 
  • Reserves estimation methodologies
  • Classifications and definitions of reserves and resources.
  • Deterministic and probabilistic definitions. 
  • Reserves estimation methodologies

Designed For: Reservoir engineers, Production engineers, Geologists, Geophysicists, Economists, Facilities engineers, asset managers

Responsible Khouloud CHAABAN MAKNI
Last Update 09/05/2024
Members 1
Reservoir Engineering Advanced
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