Reservoir Characterization

Reservoir Characterization


This multi-disciplinary training course provides a comprehensive technical knowledge of reservoir characterization. It is designed for geoscientists and engineers who are involved in multidisciplinary teams. It covers the following disciplines: Geology, geophysics, petrophysics and reservoir engineering. This course allows to the participants to get a better knowledge of the different disciplines and thus improve their productivity and problem-solving skills.


  • Geology
  • Geophysics
  • Petrophysics
  • Reservoir Engineering

Designed For: Geologists, Geophysicists, Petro physicists, petroleum engineers and all G&G staff who want to improve their productivity and problem-solving skills by learning how to integrate data and results from different disciplines.

Responsible Khouloud CHAABAN MAKNI
Last Update 09/06/2024
Members 1
Multi-disciplinary training courses Foundation Intermediate
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